A generalization of the Zariouh's property (gaz) through local spectral theory
In this work, we present for the first time an in-depth study of the relationship between the upper semi-B-Fredholm spectrum and the left Drazin spectrum. This connection leads to the definition of a new spectral property, denoted as (ggaz), which generalizes the previously studied property (gaz). Through the framework of local spectral theory, we derive several characterizations of operators that satisfy the (ggaz) property. Moreover, we demonstrate that the set of operators fulfilling this property constitutes a Banach space, highlighting the structural significance of (ggaz) in operator theory.
Key words: Property (gaz), Property (ggaz), semi-B-Fredholm operator, Left-Drazin Operator, SVEP..
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4. P. Aiena, F. Burderi, S. Triolo, Local spectral properties under conjugations, Mediterr. J. Math., 18 (2021), 1–20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00009-021-01731-7
5. P. Aiena, E. Aponte, J. Guill´en. The Zariouh’s property (gaz) through localized SVEP. Mat. Vesnik, 2020, 72 (4), 314-326.
6. L.K. Saul, K.Q.Weinberger, J.H. Ham, F. Sha, and D.D. Lee: Spectral methods for dimensionality reduction. Semi-supervised learning. 3, (2006), 566-806.
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8. E. Aponte, J. Sanabria, L. V´asquez, Perturbation theory for property (VE) and tensor product, Mathematics, 9 (2021), 2275. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/math9212775
9. E. Aponte, N. Jayanthi, D. Quiroz, P. Vasanthakumar, Tensor product of operators satisfying Zariouh’s property (gaz), and stability under perturbations, Axioms, 11 (2022), 225. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/axioms11050225
10. Aponte, E., Soto, J., and Rosas E. Study of the property (bz) using local spectral theory methods. Arab Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 30(1), 665–674, 2023.
11. Aponte, E. Property (az) through Topological Notions and Some Applications; Trans. A Razmadze Math. Institute, 2022, 176 (3).
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15. Ben Ouidren, K. and Zariouh, H. New approach to a-Weyl’s theorem and some preservation results. Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo Series 2, 70, 819–833, 2021.
16. B. P. Duggal, Tensor products and property (w), Rend. Circ. Mat. Palerm., 60 (2011), 23–30. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s12215-011-0023-9
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19. C. S. Kubrusly, B. P. Duggal, On Weyl’s theorem for tensor products, Glasgow Math. J., 55 (2013), 139–144. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0017089512000407
20. C. S. Kubrusly, B. P. Duggal, On Weyl and Browder spectra of tensor products, Glasgow Math. J., 50 (2008), 289–302. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0017089508004205
21. J. Sanabria, L. V´asquez, C. Carpintero, E. Rosas, O. Garc´ıa. On strong variations of Weyl type theorems. Acta Math. Univ. Comen. (N.S.), 2017, 86(2), 345-356.