Female entrepreneurship and evolution in SMEs in the fashion system in Colombia


Giuseppe Vanoni Alfonso Omaña


The fashion industry in Colombia is one of the sectors who are showing an exponential grow in the last times with profits for more than 20.2 billion of colombian pesos, approximately 1.3 million of units sold. Under those perspective, this article will focus on how the female enterprises in the fashion system are developing in recent years with examples from highlights cases where the women have an important role as entrepreneur instead in covid times. For this study, the authors made a selection of three companies from the Colombian fashion system led by women. As a result, it was possible identify that those organizations establish the leader as a collaborator and an important part of a business, as well, justified in his/her works in the way to create and share an innovative value necessary to keep the company into the high standards of competitiveness in local and international market.

Palabras clave

Fashion sector, woman´s entrepreneurship, family businesses



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